Fees charged for enrollment in programs or courses are established by the Florida Legislature and are in accordance with a schedule adopted by the Santa Rosa County School Board. Fees consist of Tuition, Financial Aid Fee, Capital Improvement Fee, Technology Fee, and Lab Fee. Fees listed in the program guide are for Florida residents. Student Services can assist students with residency verification. Students are required to pay tuition and fees prior to program start date. Students receiving financial aid may be granted a tuition and fees deferment. Tuition and fees for program completion and additional expenses vary by program, and are listed in the current Cost of Attendance for Adult Students. A student’s enrollment will terminate on the last day of each semester. Returning adult students must complete the program registration process prior to each semester.
Applicants must provide documentation showing 12 consecutive months of Florida residency preceding enrollment to be eligible for in-state tuition rates (see: 1009.21, Florida Statutes (F.S.) and 6A-10.044, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). Tuition for out-of-state students is calculated at higher rates. Please contact Student Services for current out-of-state tuition costs. Staff will review this information and related documentation to verify residency and eligibility for in-state tuition.